The message is completely configurable. And looks like this when everything is used.

- 1: This is the message content. This will be displayed outside of the embed and can be used to ping users when used as the ticket greeting message. Use
to get the mention of the user
- 2: Author Icon. This is only available if you provide the authors name.
- 3: The author name.
- 4: makes the author name clickable and open the configured link. Only available when you set the authors name.
- 5: Title name.
- 6: The URL. When clicking on the title it will open the configured link. Only available when you set the Title.
- 7: The embeds description. Use
to get the mention of the user
- 8: The thumbnail of the embed.
- 9: The image of the embed.
- 10: The Footer icon. Only available when you set the Footer text.
- 11: The footer text.
Only 1 and 7 are available for non premium subscriptions