Submmit here your license to activate premium for your sever.
Changes the prefix used for commands.
The maximum amount of ticket a user can have open at the same time.
The limit is 99 tickets
The modrole is a role which is used to be able to use the bot's moderation commands.
The admin role has furthermore the privileges to configure the bot. This means users with this role will have access to the dashboard.
This is a channel where ticket create/close log messages will be sent to.
Only bot moderators will be able to close a ticket if activated. Optionally if a role is selected, the role will be notified that the user wants to close the ticket.
When setting a DeepL API key you can enable the message translation feature. You can create a developer account at DeepL.
When you have created an account, visit this link , scroll all the way down and then you will find your key. Save this in the dashboard and the API key will be saved encrypted in the database.
Your API key will never be used for anything except in your server in response to actions like submitting a command for a message translation or when using the toggle translation feature to have an ongoing translated conversation etc...